Thanks to the way the media portrays it (government influence perhaps?) Anonymous appears to be widely misperceived by the general public.
The common perception is of a small group of nerdy Hackers causing chaos and annoyance, committing electronic crimes and waging Cyber Warfare.
Anonymous has become something more than that. The Concept of being “Anonymous” to hide ones face from the Police, to express some of the political issues of V for Vendetta, its spread, its now a worldwide movement. From Nairobi to Buenos Aires, That beautiful (in)famous mask makes its appearance at protests. Guy Fawkes’s face is a fitting symbol, he attempted to be a force for change, for good, he attempted to bring down a wicked, tyrannical government that was oppressing people of his faith. He wanted to bring down the system and replace it with something better.
Within the so called Bastions of Civilisation, the highly developed, wealthy and “ethical” West, people are starving, dressing in rags, dying from easily treatable medical conditions. This is thanks to both Corporate and Political Greed. The Corporations have gone too far, have become too powerful and have far too much say in how our lives are led, and what laws are passed. Remember! Want a Digital Economy Act to be brought into Law? All it cost was a major Holywood Millionaire taking that vile, corrupt dickhead, Peter Mandellson out for Dinner and slipping him a brown bag full of cash.
The System is corrupt and broken. The Mask makes it harder for Police to track and gather intelligence on Protesters. It keeps them from knowing who we are. There is power in anonyminity and you can see the Anger growing. It’s just not the Black Flag Active Service Units they want tagged and bagged on their data systems. Normal innocent people, Social Workers, Nurses, Fathers and Mothers, Factory Technicions, people who have not, and will not commit a crime, loot, riot, people who have simply turned up hoping their voice will be heard in innocent protest. Because they dare to show dissent against the Government, and its Political Classes, the Police want to know everything about them, it wants electronic files of information, purely for using our democratic right to peaceful protest!
Anonyminity is a weapon, and it appears to make the Authorities very nervous. Afterall they don’t know who is under the mask. the current British system is all about information control and warefare, social engineering and propoganda. Hate filled policy after hate filled policy, declaring war on the poor. Who would ever have believed that in 2012 the United Kingdom would have desperately needed and oversubscribed Food Banks?
David Cameron, his cabinet of wankerish privilaged, tax dodging millionaires and morally and politically reprehensible turncoats and ideological traitors like that prat Clegg, have absolutely no experience of real life, they cannot legislate for the Electorate of Great Britain in 2012, they haven’t a clue what life is like for us, they don’t know what a pint of milk costs, “Cook” or “Nanny” deals with all that malarkey.
The Cabinet, the Houses of Parliament and Great Britain’s political classes are sick, infected, diseased, and incurable. The Parties churn out an endless stream of plastic, factory generic Candidates to stand for election, no experience of real life, of what people have to face, they follow an easy and simple route: Graduate from Uni with a law or politics degree > Walk straight into a “Research” or similar job with their Party of choice, then work for dues for a couple of years before they get selected. Carbon copies of non entities, people with no personality, no will to rule the country for the people, or to help them, because PARTY IS KING.
That is the state of British Politics. The Voters, the people the Government is supposed to serve are last on the list (If we are even on it) The current Government is running GB PLC purely for the Conservative Party and its friends best interests, not the countries, not the economy, not the voters. When New Labour was in power, they ran GB PLC purely for New Labour….. The Political Parties are fetishised to an astonishing degree, it is why the Whip’s exist, because without them, Ministers might dare to vote according to their beliefs, their morals, ethics and conscience, and those things may not coincide with what is best for the Party. Because the Party is King.
It all needs dismantling and rebuilt. You cannot fix something that is so diseased, you have to start again. And by Legislation, or civil insurrection and rebellion, the Political Classes MUST be exterminated as a force. Ban the typical route of graduate>researcher>stand for election.
As Anonymous Protesters say:
Even the Polish Parliament legendary entered wearing Anonymous Masks to show solidarity and to protest the passing of another Corporate Act to remove our Civil Rights for Corporate Benefit.
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